My digital profile at St Jude and St Paul`s

Kevin Jara Aced

Digital Me

I like technology, my favourite things I like about technology are the game websites and coding such as Kodu,Scratch and Python.The phones that I like are the Iphones and the Samsung Galaxies because it has a touch screen and good graphics. I like using apps such as, youtube,Facebook and Twitter.I also like video games such as,Minecraft,Roblox and Nintendo.

Computing Achievements

I`ve managed to do some interesting projects with technology.Here is a list of the achievements I achieved.

.A time line on Scratch

  • .An audacity project by using materials as instruments

  • .A project we did on a program called Lego Wedo

  • .Also Raspberry Pi
  • My digital Future

    One day I want to be an actor + singer because I want to be like my idol (Sylvester Stallone) and (Brian Adams).I will get so much money that I will be more popular than celebrities.